svētdiena, 2009. gada 10. maijs
May 2009: Changes
Changes: As we celebrate our 7th anniversary this May, and our 8th year starts I , Levi, am still here. Vera, from a family with 13 children, and Jūlija still visit most every day, plus many other youth from the nearby Children's home, schools and community come most days. Valentīna is still managing the farm and is the main leader in the Tuesday morning "church" meetings. Why Tuesday morning? That is the open air market day and the day that the county government visits. So very convenient for all from the counrtyside to gather into town. As Juris, Dainis, Alvis and Aivars have left to find paying employment, Aušra Graudiņa, cook and clothing ministry leader, and Edvīns Valainis, youth ministry leader, have returned. Also Inara Kuzminska, a prayer warrior, gardener and driver, has been here for the most of the last year and a half. Peter Gailis, who has been here the longest, like during the 2007 post has wandered off, like Dennis and others who come to rehab, get their lives straight, only to find out that Jesus is needed on a daily basis, not just when we have serious problems. Janis Rutkis, a high schooler, is living here, sent by his mother after he failed at his previous school. He is ready to succedd in his 2nd consecutive school year. Aivars Zaremba is a daily visitor and very faithful helper in the remodeling and repair of our many ancient buildings.
10th Christ's Family Festival: July 24th - August 2nd, 2009
Welcome to our 10th annual FESTIVAL, not a conference, but half vacation/half conference. Come to the morning and evening meetings, worship, prayer, sharing, teaching if good. If not pleasing to you, then be blessed to sleep, swim in the lake or fellowship like you can every afternoon. Please donate what you can, as we are doing the same. The Kingdom of God is sowing and reaping NOT buying and selling. Starting off we are expeecting 20 YWAM saints from Sweden. The past two years we had 10 and 5 countries represented. You are more than welcome to come. Please inform us beforehand and of what you have to share. Levi, mob +371 2610 6699 E:
We have beds for 70 people, space for more and food has not lacked!
Oh, by the way, WE are Christ's Family, so single people are invited!
We have beds for 70 people, space for more and food has not lacked!
Oh, by the way, WE are Christ's Family, so single people are invited!
Ziņas (Atom)