ceturtdiena, 2007. gada 14. jūnijs
Aicinājums uz Ružinu!
Aicinu uz Svētu Gavēņu un grēku nožēlas dienu, 7tā jūlijā, un tad uz Svētkiem, no 8tā līdz 14tā jūlija, kuros piedalīsies brāļi un māsas Kristū no Latvijas, Rumānijas, Sibīrijas, Somijas, Skotijas, Ziemeļu Īrijas un iespējams citām zemēm! Ludzu atrakstiet donats_@hotmail.com vai piezvaniet 2610 6699, 28tā jūnijā vai vēlāk, kad būšu atgriezies no Dieva skubināta brauciena uz Ameriku uz Nepartraukto Pielūgsmes un Lūgšanas Namu Kansas Sitijā. Var tagad novērot nepārtraukto pielūgsmi un līdzdalīties caur GOD TV satelīt programmas. Viņu programma ir Prayer Room. Var arī redzēt GOD TV Prayer Room pielūgsmi pa internetu!
svētdiena, 2007. gada 18. februāris
Today, February 18, 2007 there are 6+ full time, on site, members of our small Prayer community. Levi Graudins, me - the founder/leader; Vera Červjakova, our worship leader; Juris Dreimanis, our handy man; Dainis Vainovskis, our head mystic; Alvis Purakalns, the associate leader, DJ, sound man and driver; and Aivars, the designated firewood gatherer. Congratulations to Vera and Jūlija Zaiceva, my first translator and almost daily visitor, for organizing and leading their first youth meeting last night. We had over 25, children plus parents, present for a Love Celebration (Valentine's Day was recent!). That brings to mind Valentina Mihailova, a widow and our neighbor, manager of our nearby farm, who also is leading, with about 20 attending, a quite regular Tuesday morning women's Bible meeting. She is getting many reports that people are experiencing healings as they read and pray over the Healing Scriptures sheets that we have developed/printed, in Latvian and in Russian, and are handing out. Me and Dainis also recently prayed for Anna D., a lady who stopped in on her way to the hospital and she had an immediate stop to her dizzyness and peace and she confessed peace and wellbeing through eyes tearful with thanksgiving. Jesus is good! We have been helping Anna quite a bit for 2 months since she lost one son in a car accident and had/has the other in critical condition in the hospital.
Ziņas (Atom)